School Policies

The links below are examples of some of the policies and official documents for the Federation.  Click on the link to view the policy or contact Mrs Jobling using the contact details at the bottom of this page, if you require a paper copy or any additional information.


Personnel and General Purposes


Complaints Policy

Freedom of Information

 Single Equality 

Premises, Health & Safety

Accessibility Plan

E Safety

Pupil Progress and Curriculum

Anti-bullying Policy

Attendance Policy 

Behaviour Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy 

Safeguarding Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education Part 1 2023

Separated Parents Policy 

Special Educational Needs Policy

SEN Information Report  

Relationship and Sex Education Policy

Using the Internet and Digital Media Use Policy and Guidance

Finance and Audit

Charging and Remissions 

Confidential Reporting (Whistleblowing)

Further Information

Privacy Notice

Written Calculations Policy