

“What we intend for our children, through a super curriculum:

  • To get better at stuff, and know more about important stuff
  • To enjoy learning that stuff
  • To be literate and numerate
  • To be ready for the next stage
  • To gain the tools to acquire: perseverance, resilience, confidence, independence, tolerance, respect, empathy and kindness”


These are the opening words from our 'Curriculum Intent' and the full document can be downloaded here.


Our Reception curriculum for 2024-25 can be viewed here.


More detailed information about how and what we teach in the core subjects can be found by clicking on reading, writing or maths.


Each half term we will send our families an outline of the Key Learning areas for our year groups.  These are available to view:

Autumn Curriculum

Spring Curriculum

Summer Curriculum 


Please click on the links below:

Times Table Rock Stars is used by Year 2 - 6 children for maths games and times table challenges.

Spelling Shed is used by Year 1 - Year 6 children for weekly spelling homework and spelling games & activities



 Assessment lies at the heart of the process of promoting children’s learning. It provides a framework within which educational objectives may be set and children’s progress expressed and monitored. This should be done in partnership with the children.

On a day-to-day basis, the pupils are involved in assessment by discussing work with adults, comparing their work against success criteria, evaluation with peers, written comments on their work, informal quizzes or tests, etc.

We have our own system for assessing the attainment and achievement of individual pupils in Reading, Writing and Maths. This system assesses children against age related expectations and is based on the National Curriculum. At the end of the school year, children will be assessed against these expectations and will fall into one of four categories: Emerging; Developing; Secure; Mastered. Copies of our assessment grids can be accessed by clicking on the links below.




The careful monitoring of all assessment data provides teachers with valuable information that directs their planning and gives early indication of when extra help or support is needed for children to achieve their full potential.  Many intervention strategies are delivered by adults in the school which help build the confidence and achievements of pupils.  Work is differentiated to ensure that all children are catered for, including those with higher abilities. 

The progress of every child in the Federation, from Reception upwards, is assessed once a term to enable teachers to monitor understanding and decide what next steps in learning should be. It is an opportunity for the teacher to share how the child is performing in literacy and numeracy with parents and also to discuss the child’s behaviour, attitude, etc.